Neil Degrasse Tyson FederalistIf you have not checked out The Federalist, then you should do so. It produces some great content. In fact, a clear sign that The Federalist is a force to be reckoned with is the fact that Wikipedia has been throwing Orwellian temper tantrums over the website’s recent reporting. The reason: Congregants in the Church of Neil deGrasse Tyson are unhappy to find out that their god has a habit of pulling facts out of deGrassian black holes that no one else can verify.

Just one example (there are quite a few) includes the scientist’s repeated claim that George W. Bush said “Our God is the God who named the stars” after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to find a way of intellectually divorcing Christianity from Islam.

Mr. Tyson has said the following in multiple speeches:

TYSON: Here’s what happens. George Bush, within a week of [the 9/11 terrorist attacks] gave us a speech attempting to distinguish we from they. And who are they? These were sort of the Muslim fundamentalists. And he wants to distinguish we from they. And how does he do it?

He says, “Our God” — of course it’s actually the same God, but that’s a detail, let’s hold that minor fact aside for the moment. Allah of the Muslims is the same God as the God of the Old Testament. So, but let’s hold that aside. He says, “Our God is the God” — he’s loosely quoting Genesis, biblical Genesis — “Our God is the God who named the stars.”

Unfortunately, that turns out not to be true. At all. The Federalist did some digging, and it did find that former President Bush said the following after the Columbia space shuttle disaster in 2003:

George W. Bush: In the skies today we saw destruction and tragedy. Yet farther than we can see, there is comfort and hope. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Lift your eyes and look to the heavens. Who created all these? He who brings out the starry hosts one by one and calls them each by name. Because of His great power, and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.”

The same Creator who names the stars also knows the names of the seven souls we mourn today. The crew of the shuttle Columbia did not return safely to Earth; yet we can pray that all are safely home.

One would think that if Mr. Tyson was going to charge people to see his presentations, then he would get his facts straight — or not, if the point was smear others while making himself look like a witty guy. The Federalist then smacks Tyson down for his blatant fabrication.

Tyson butchered the quote. He butchered the date. He butchered the context. He butchered the implication. And he butchered the biblical allusion, which was to the prophet Isaiah, not the book of Genesis (you can tell Bush was alluding to Isaiah because he explicitly said he was referencing Isaiah).

Bush’s statement about the Creator had nothing to do with making “us” look better than “them”: it was an attempt to comfort the families who lost loved ones in the crash. They weren’t nameless creatures who passed anonymously; their ultimate Creator, the one who knit them together in their mothers’ wombs, mourned them by name.

In response to Sean Davis’ reporting, Mr. Tyson’s Wikipedia page has repeatedly been scrubbed of his lies and outright distortions — again, there are enough to be rather troubling for a man whose profession relies on accuracy — and now there are even attempts to throw The Federalist’s Wikipedia page down the Memory Hole.

The Federalist Wiki OrwellThe Washington Examiner reported Sept. 26:

Three weeks after the oft-cited accused a popular scientist of making up quotes and numbers in a speech, Wikipedia has moved to eliminate the conservative news site.

In a surprise move, the hugely-trafficked Wikipedia posted a notice that the Federalist was “being considered for deletion” after an unknown critic said it “does not pass the threshold for notability.” Wikipedia asked users to comment on the decision, though it in the end it will not be made on a “majority vote.”

The claim shocked the new site’s staff, especially since the Federalist has been featured in mainstream media such as MSNBC and CNN.

As I have said before, when people deny God they always find a way to replace Him with someone or something else. That idol then must be protected at all costs, which is one of the reasons why Communism’s body count is roughly 100 million…but I digress.

The ease with which those who edit Wikipedia pages entertain their inner police state censorship czar is incredibly frightening, and should be exposed. However, it is also important to note that Mr. Tyson has gone out of his way to avoid telling the truth.

Here is what he said on Facebook regarding his imaginary Bush quote:

I have explicit memory of those words being spoken by the President. I reacted on the spot, making note for possible later reference in my public discourse. Odd that nobody seems to be able to find the quote anywhere — surely every word publicly uttered by a President gets logged. …

FYI: There are two kinds of failures of memory. One is remembering that which has never happened and the other is forgetting that which did. In my case, from life experience, I’m vastly more likely to forget an incident than to remember an incident that never happened. So I assure you, the quote is there somewhere. When you find it, tell me. Then I can offer it to others who have taken as much time as you to explore these things.

Translation: How dare you question the all-powerful Neil deGrasse Tyson! Be gone with you, mere mortal! Be gone!

How bizarre is it that a scientist would sneer at a reporter over the time he or she spends verifying…facts.

Mr. Tyson’s behavior is so weird that even Andrew Kaczynski at Buzzfeed was forced to call him out, saying “Just admit you either misremembered or made up a Bush quote @neiltyson. This denial [flies] in face of scientific method.”

Andrew Kaczynski DeGrasseThe next time you hear a Neil deGrasse Tyson tale that sounds too good to be true, just remember: it probably is. Why? Because it’s apparently okay to lie as long as more people subscribe to his worldview in the end. As the scientist said after getting caught red handed: “If this article contains the entire critique of my presentation to Tableau Software — the contents of 2 out of 60 slides — then I consider the talk to be a success, even to eavesdroppers.”

Why does it matter if a scientist makes up quotes about someone if the end result is more people who believe in Global Warming, right Mr. Tyson? Actually, it matters a lot. Intellectually honest people understand that. Most disciples in the Church of Neil DeGrasse Tyson apparently do not.


  1. I’m not surprised. Liberals operate on the mantra that if you repeat a lie for long enough, the LIVs (Low Information Voters) will start to accept it as fact. That’s what we have here with Tyson’s fabricated quotes from Bush. His followers view him as a god and therefore the must try and delete anything that makes him look bad. And when Tyson gets called out on this fake quote, he can’t admit to it and gets angry at those who exposed his lie. I’m surprised he hasn’t thrown out the “racism” angle yet.

    I’ve seen Tyson interviewed before and he comes off as arrogant, especially when he goes on anti-religion rants.

    1. I think in one of The Federalist’s posts they actually highlighted some hate mail, shared some screenshots, etc. … Mr. Tyson can avoid the race issue because some of his fans have already brought it up, if I’m not mistaken. He can sit on the sidelines and let them get in the mud as he continues to say that the quote is somewhere … out there … in the cosmos. Maybe if we borrow a NASA telescope, then we can fittingly find the Bush quote in the stars.

      Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting, Car. I appreciate it.

  2. “As I have said before, when people deny God they always find a way to replace Him with someone or something else.”

    I agree it seems that we quickly jump to false idols. Look at anyone that does not have faith and look at their focus it is rather telling.
    Just think that this is the guy liberals love….including some comic writers.

    1. Apparently a recent Superman comic even had him as a supporting character. Why, I don’t know. I’ve always thought he was an arrogant blowhard. Anyone who is on the board of CSICOP is bound to be someone who has a problem with religious people (apart from Muslims; can’t “offend” them).

    2. The reason is easy enough, Carl: he’s a “progressive” — and black — scientist who trashed that boogeyman George Bush. That’s more than enough reason for DC (or Marvel) to lionize the guy.

    3. And he’s an atheist, although he doesn’t like to be labeled as such.

      “The only ‘ist’ I am is a scientist,” (Neil deGrasse Tyson).

      That sounds cute, but when you go around taking pot shots at religious people all the time, it’s obvious. If all your followers keep updating your Wikipedia page to say that you’re an atheist, that might tell you something…

    4. “The reason is easy enough, Carl: he’s a “progressive” — and black — scientist who trashed that boogeyman George Bush. That’s more than enough reason for DC (or Marvel) to lionize the guy.”

      Indeed, Hube. To the liberals who run Marvel and DC, that makes him a god.

      “And he’s an atheist, although he doesn’t like to be labeled as such.

      “The only ‘ist’ I am is a scientist,” (Neil deGrasse Tyson).

      That sounds cute, but when you go around taking pot shots at religious people all the time, it’s obvious. If all your followers keep updating your Wikipedia page to say that you’re an atheist, that might tell you something…”

      Ha. I love how these people get angry when you call them atheists or liberals or whatever. Yes, when you take potshots at religious people all the time, I’d say you’re an atheist. It’s like someone who calls themselves an independent but then espouses mostly liberal views; I would call that person a progressive, not an independent.

      That his cultists are going out of their way to flush his comments down the memory hole and are trying to delete the Federalist’s Wikipedia page is disturbing.

    5. Dr. Tyson is guest starring in an episode of Gravity Falls as the voice of the main characters’ pig after he “accidentally eats a bowl of brain-enhancing jelly and builds a machine that allows him to speak for the first time”. Has he ever acted in anything before?

    1. It was the first thing that came to mind. I figure it’s only a matter of time before he and his minions turn it into a “racism” issue.

    2. My favorite Neil deGrasse Tyson claim is that he ran a 4:25 mile in high school…while training for the wrestling team. Not the track team or the cross country team, but the wrestling team. The host does her best to change the subject pretty quickly, but it’s out there now. Does this guy who inadequacy issues? You can hear the claim at 3:30 in this YouTube video by Fox Sports Live.

      Host: What was your fastest 40?

      Neil deGrasse Tyson: “Actually, I ran a lot. I wrestled in high school, but I ran to train for that. Before I got a little beefier, my best mile was a 4:25 mile.

      Host: A 4:25 mile?!

      Neil deGrasse Tyson: I had a kick at the end.

      Host: A kick? I would say so.

      Neil deGrasse Tyson: That’s not competitive in college, but in high school…”

      Host: Well, a 4:25 mile is pretty good. Donovan brought up the NFL…

      So Neil deGrasse Tyson was running times that would come close to Olympian Louie Zamperini proud while not even specifically training to run the mile. Gotcha. What a coincidence that he was running that fast under circumstances that no one would ever be able to verify…

    3. LMAO … a 4:25 mile is smoking at the HS level for someone supposedly “just training” for another sport.

      I’d chalk that up as another Tyson boner…

    4. LOL. Seems to me that he has a propensity for telling tall tales and then getting defensive once he’s called out on them. He’s definitely full of it. I heard that he’s used the recent Cosmos TV series as a soapbox for his anti-religious and political views.

    5. My sister held the Delaware state record in the (girls) mile for 20 years at 4:54 and change. I just checked the guys’ record and it’s a tad under 4:00.

      Anyone really believe Tyson did 4:25 for mere “training?”

    6. I wrestled in high school my freshman year. (I wasn’t a fan of having almost no fat to lose at 115 lbs. and then having to cut 17 lbs. to wrestle in the 98 lbs. weight class.) While we ran quite a bit, it was nothing compared to what I did for cross country (sophomore through senior year).

      If he could hit a 4:30 mile while training to wrestle, then he would have been highly sought after by plenty of colleges. I love how he just casually attributes the time to “a kick” in, say, the last 200 meters. Give me a break.

    7. I also wrestled my freshman year. I wrestled anywhere between 189 and heavyweight. We did a lot of running, too. I also did cross country in 4th and 5th grade. If he’d put up those kinds of numbers, colleges would be competing to get him on their teams. So his story doesn’t ring true to me, either.

    1. “Observers are left to conclude that Tyson is an attention-seeking media troll who courts adoration from bloggers, students and hipsters while picking off low-hanging fruit and mocking people he doesn’t like. But he often does this not with the master troll’s scalpel but the clumsy tin ear of the lumbering buffoon who pisses people off for all the wrong reasons, with cheap, sarcastic bait masquerading as sassy intellect.

      This quote scores a Perfect 10 on the Awesome Scale, Carl. 🙂

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